Saturday, June 25, 2011

T-Minus One...

Ahh, last day before our expedition begins! Unfortunately, it turns out that we have to get to the airport an hour and a half earlier than expected because I have a cello. Lame. And, we cellos have to put those incredibly ugly "fragile" stickers all over our beautiful cases. Double lame. =( Despite such things, we are both super pumped for this trip and excited to be so close to departure. Blog posts should be coming en masse very soon, so hopefully we can satisfy all you readers' voracious appetites for all things Bulgaria. Back to packing!



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  3. Wow you guys.... I didn't know you were taking this trip. I hope you have an incredible time!!

    I looked at your vacation pictures and I recognized all sorts of places. MB Aquarium, did you know I was raised in Monterey? I know that area well :) in fact I have played many "high society" dinner events In side the aquarium with small jazz quartets to help on fundraisers nights... I must say the food was incredible at those fundraisers but it always seems just a little "left of center" to be eating shrimp cocktails or sushi at a party in an AQUARIUM!!!! You sort of feel like all the fish are glaring at you. ;)

    I also lived in San Jose for a year and it looks like you might have attended the Winchester mystery house up there. Last but not least...Ahhhh... Anderson's Pea Soup!! That is a stop Lisa and I always make when we travel up to Monterey. We not only get the soup while we are there but it never fails we always end up buying something fun in the gift shop like a barrel of cheese (yumm!).

    Well I'm so excited to hear about the adventures of your trip so I'm subscribed to your blog and I'll follow closely so don't be stingy with the details. :) Love you all!

    PS... Thank you Frances for sending me the link.

    Manny blessings and a safe journey,
